Welcome to Calvert County
Family Daycare Association!
We currently have 90 registered family childcare providers in our Association.
All of us are licensed by the State of Maryland and inspected every year.
Licensed family child care providers have background checks, fingerprinting, CPR, First
Aid, SIDS training, many hours of training in several content areas, water safety
checks, Maryland State Fire Marshall fire inspections and more to ensure your child's safety. Before enrolling your child in a daycare please ensure that they have a state-approved childcare license.
Location: Calvert County Maryland USA
We open membership to childcare providers that hold
current MSDE Office of Child Care Licensing and
Regulation Certificates.
Members have two options of membership.
Option A: CCFDCA renewal $75
Option B: CCFDCA and MSFCCA (Maryland State Family Child Care Association) membership $85
Verification will take place prior to
activating membership and its benefits.
You can also fill out our
and send it with a check or money order, payable to CCFDCA to:
Melissa Robey, CCFDCA
11235 Dancer Court
Lusby, MD 20657
CCFDCA will not distribute membership cards. If you join MSFCCA, you WILL receive a digital membership card.