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 We open membership to childcare providers that hold 
current MSDE Office of Child Care Licensing and 
Regulation Certificates.

Members have two options of membership.

Option A: CCFDCA renewal $75

Option B: CCFDCA and MSFCCA (Maryland State Family Child Care Association) membership $85



Verification will take place prior to
activating membership and its benefits. Are you looking to join the Calvert Daycare Association or are you renewing your membership? 

Print the following document




You can also fill out our 







and send it with a check to:

CCFDCA Annual Membership

c/o Melissa Robey

11235 Dancer Court

Lusby, MD 20657

CCFDCA will no longer distribute membership cards. We have learned that the cards are no longer acceptable for Credentialing PAU's, therefore we do not need to issue them. If you join MSFCCA, you WILL receive a digital membership card that is accepted as a PAU for Credentialing.

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